Sunday, November 18, 2001

people here give more value to you if you are able to procriate, even if you don't have a job, and ways of living. my brother-in-law is such a vagabond, he doesn't do anything and they still help him. In fact, if he did work, they didn't have to help him. I think that's our case. Sometimes I wonder why I didn't get pregnant in the beginning, perhaps all these would be different..
I have a story to tell you: I am married, and I live near my in-laws. my mother-in-law treats me like a daughter-in-law, in other words, she says she considers me like a daughter, but in fact, she wants to see me in court.
We don't have kids (my husband and me). Now his brother got his girl pregnant, and they are going to marry. I am very happy for them, but I don't accept the idea that they are having all that I didn't, such as money from the parents, a house and so on. I'm not envy, I'm just feeling we were not treated fairly. I fell we were tricked.

Thursday, November 15, 2001

tou achando massa...
somethings deserve to be written. somethings deserve even to be publeshed. I am a writer, but I could never have a chance to publish what I write. This is awful, and sometimes makes me mad.
oi! Este é o meu diário. Estou testando pra ver se eu gosto. Não sei nem se vou escrever em Inglês ou Português. mas sei que quando eu quiser falar sobre algo, eu vou correr pra cá. mesmo que seja pra apagar tudo depois e nao postar nada.