Sunday, June 30, 2002
Não acessou o Aline's Page hoje não??? Então vou lembrar você de novo:
Thursday, June 27, 2002
Que atriz da Globo você é? por Testelândia
Eu já estava parando com essa larica de teste, teste, teste, mas esse aqui era imperdível!!!!
Que canal de TV por assinatura você é?
alguns testes são meio furados, mas esse deu a minha personalidade!!!
Já coloquei o link mas vou colocar aqui de novo, pra vcs nâo terem como escapar:
Wednesday, June 26, 2002
consegui!!!!! Clarinha, I got it!!!!!!
Peguei a malandragem desse bicho!!!! apanhei pra kct mas CONSEGUI!!!!!!
Peguei a malandragem desse bicho!!!! apanhei pra kct mas CONSEGUI!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 25, 2002
Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty
No psycho slayer is going to get between you and your right to life. You're an ass-kicker, a charge taker, and if need be, a monster masher. You're level-headed in sticky situations, you trust yout instincts, and you're not afraid to get a little dirty while getting the job done. Simply put, you rock! But don't get carried away. Even though your little brother might act like a creep sometimes, you definately shouldn't be driving stakes through his heart!
Sunday, June 23, 2002
Overdose de testes II - o retorno
Qual personagem do Angeli você é ?

Que personagem de Mike Myers você é?
Que personagem de Mike Myers você é?
Friday, June 21, 2002
Não deu... hj estou com uma daquelas insônias de agitação, e cá estou eu, Tv e net ligadas... a TV sintonizada... na Globo!!! É mais pra ter som em casa, pq está todo mundo irmindo, até meu gato (traíra...), e não por causa desse jogo maledetto, q só serve pra esses marginais soltarem bombas e me assustarem, e pra político fazer merda e ninguém notar.
So... Hows high is your self esteem? Find out here
Good Self Esteem
You have a very healthy level of self esteem. You have your life and your priorities pretty much in order. You tend to worry a little about other people, but for the most part you live your own life to the best of your ability.
Good Self Esteem
You have a very healthy level of self esteem. You have your life and your priorities pretty much in order. You tend to worry a little about other people, but for the most part you live your own life to the best of your ability.
Are you a bitch? Find out here
A Tad Moody
OK, you passed the test. Barely. You're a nice person in general, but when things don't go your way, you might just take it to heart a little too much. From now on think of babies and teddy bears when you get angry. Or just be a bitch... what do we care anyway.
A Tad Moody
OK, you passed the test. Barely. You're a nice person in general, but when things don't go your way, you might just take it to heart a little too much. From now on think of babies and teddy bears when you get angry. Or just be a bitch... what do we care anyway.
Sunday, June 16, 2002
Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Well, this may cause you strangeness: I was depressed the other day, then I' saying I'd die happy if.... well, this is because we are human beings , and we use to think . I personally think a lot, and that causes me to be depressed sometimes, and other times to discover fantastic things about life and myself. This is amazing, but it disturbs other people, cause I can never preview my moods. and people are afraid of not knowing things in advance.
This is something very strange: in all my ilfe I used to think I'm not interesting, mainly because my mom used to tell me so. But now I'm getting to the conclusion that I am interesting! Well, at least that's what it seems. I was thinking about this yesterday, when I suddenly got to the idea that, if I die without reaching my objectives, I'd still die happy, you know why? because I was me, I did what I thought to be right, I had right and good opinions about life and how to live. In fact, I reached my main objective, which was to live as I choose! Even if I don't have money (YET), I can say I was not corrupted by the others.
Thursday, June 06, 2002
just to cheer me up, I looked for some funny stuff on the web. what did I find? this very site here:
which is very, very interesting and has a lot of programs for you to put on your desktop. It's worth it!
which is very, very interesting and has a lot of programs for you to put on your desktop. It's worth it!
I was sitting in the classroom, thinking about life, when the teacher rememberred of a verse of the Bible that says, "there's a time to do everything" and I felt so depressed...
It's just because I didn't follow this rule, and kept running into the things all my life. The tec school, the marriage, I made those things and afterwards felt it was earlier than it should be, and now it was late to come back. No, I don't regret past things I've done, I regret things I thought about doing and didn't!
It's just because I didn't follow this rule, and kept running into the things all my life. The tec school, the marriage, I made those things and afterwards felt it was earlier than it should be, and now it was late to come back. No, I don't regret past things I've done, I regret things I thought about doing and didn't!
Wednesday, June 05, 2002
Now this is another "desabafo": I was talking to a friend of mine, she made me remember how I did get to this point where I am now: Married, living beside my mother-in-law and "engolindo sapos" a lot. Then I thought about the store that my MIL built with OUR help, saying it would be ours(mine and my husband's), and it ended up being HERS only. I kept thinking how unfair the world is, and how dumb a I am. My mom told me not to recriminate myself and not to think about it, it's past, over, done, I would not have become rich with that shit, but... it hurts, still.
Ei, gente, essa é pra gente da terra da gente: Estou ministrando um curso para gestantes aqui em Natal e quem estiver interessado pode mandar uma msg ou me ligar. é bem legal!!!
ICQ: 77551005
ou vá direto ao site do curso:
Enquanto a cegonha não vem...
ICQ: 77551005
ou vá direto ao site do curso:
Enquanto a cegonha não vem...
Hey!! Remember I told you guys that I had a Friend who wished to have a baby? She got it! after some tries, she is pregnant now, of 20 weeks more or less. she is crazy about it (as usual) and her mother, as crazy as her, is making a lot of clothes and shoes and everything for Tiago. even if he be a cretine baby and stop growing by the baring, he'll not achieve to wear all the stuff these two nuts are preparing for him!!!!! (I hope she's not reading this, and if so, I hope she doesn't understand [at least the cretine stuff...})
Visitem o site da minha amiguinha grávida!!!!! Ela está com seis meses de gravidez e felicíssima!!!!
Enfim Grávidos!
Visitem o site da minha amiguinha grávida!!!!! Ela está com seis meses de gravidez e felicíssima!!!!
Enfim Grávidos!
Speaking of my goddaughter, her parents are two nuts!!! they are totally imature to be married and to raise a baby. I hope she can deal with her irresponsible parents. sometimes I satnd there looking at them and thinking on how different it will be when I have my babies... Or maybe not, but at least I will try it differently (to EDUCATE babies, not to MAKE them; this has just one [natural]way of doing).
let me put here the address of my goddaughter. I'll make some changes in it soon, but I'll post it here anyway, for you to see how cute she is!!!!
Nasceu a Kamilly!
Nasceu a Kamilly!
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