Tou quase lá...
Meu site está QUASE pronto!!! já atualizei as grades dos cursos... Vai lá!!!
Wednesday, July 31, 2002
"The Perfect Drug"
I got my head but my head is unraveling
cant keep control can't keep track of where it's traveling
I got my heart but my heart's no good
you're the only one that's understood
I come along but I don't know where you're taking me
I shouldn't go but you're wrenching dragging shaking me
turn off the sun pull the stars from the sky
the more I give to you the more I die
and I want you
you are the perfect drug
the perfect drug
the perfect drug
the perfect drug
you make me hard when i'm all soft inside
I see the truth when i'm all stupid-eyed
the arrow goes straight through my heart
without you everything just falls apart
my blood just wants to say hello to you
my fear is warm to get inside of you
my soul is so afraid to realize
how every little bit is left of me
take me with you
without you everything just falls apart
it's not as much fun to pick up the pieces
"The Perfect Drug"
I got my head but my head is unraveling
cant keep control can't keep track of where it's traveling
I got my heart but my heart's no good
you're the only one that's understood
I come along but I don't know where you're taking me
I shouldn't go but you're wrenching dragging shaking me
turn off the sun pull the stars from the sky
the more I give to you the more I die
and I want you
you are the perfect drug
the perfect drug
the perfect drug
the perfect drug
you make me hard when i'm all soft inside
I see the truth when i'm all stupid-eyed
the arrow goes straight through my heart
without you everything just falls apart
my blood just wants to say hello to you
my fear is warm to get inside of you
my soul is so afraid to realize
how every little bit is left of me
take me with you
without you everything just falls apart
it's not as much fun to pick up the pieces
Monday, July 29, 2002
Saturday, July 27, 2002
Oi! Enviei os fansigns, espero que todas gostem...
Querem ver?
My time is running over, I better do something...
Poxa, hj quase que eu ia deixando aqueles involuídos dos meus "patrões" estragarem meu dia. Mas me recuperei a tempo, liguei pro meu "gostoso" e a gente foi dar uma volta. Cheguei em casa quase calma. Mas não quero falar sobre isso mais. Esqueci, pronto.
Querem ver?
My time is running over, I better do something...
Poxa, hj quase que eu ia deixando aqueles involuídos dos meus "patrões" estragarem meu dia. Mas me recuperei a tempo, liguei pro meu "gostoso" e a gente foi dar uma volta. Cheguei em casa quase calma. Mas não quero falar sobre isso mais. Esqueci, pronto.
Deu certo!! Fiz umas "artes" pras meninas. Ficou acho. ah, sei lá...
Caramba, tá acontecendo tanta coisa: tão querendo q eu vá tomar conta de uma das escolas q eu trabalho, tipo resolver pepino de aluno, e tal... achei muito legal, mas sei q estão me explorando (não vou ter aumento). Mas, pelo menos, é experiência, né? depois, eu posso recusar, ou mesmo pedir pra sair de lá. Não é pra sempre...
Além disso, tem outra escola me querendo (só escola mesmo pra me querer!!). Céus!!!!
Caramba, tá acontecendo tanta coisa: tão querendo q eu vá tomar conta de uma das escolas q eu trabalho, tipo resolver pepino de aluno, e tal... achei muito legal, mas sei q estão me explorando (não vou ter aumento). Mas, pelo menos, é experiência, né? depois, eu posso recusar, ou mesmo pedir pra sair de lá. Não é pra sempre...
Além disso, tem outra escola me querendo (só escola mesmo pra me querer!!). Céus!!!!
Thursday, July 25, 2002
só preciso arrumar um pouquinho de paciência pra escrever aqui. Tem um monte de coisa q fica na cabeça e no papel, mas q eu quero publicar, o único jeito é aqui. Como Drummond diria, preciso me expor.
Poxa... Tentei fazer uns fansigns, até fiz , ficaram legais, mas não consigo abrir mais, dá erro... vou ter q fazer de novo...
Aquele "magro", me aprontou uma falseta ontem... mas tudo bem. Tem volta...
Estou "bright", o tempo está perfeito (choveu bastante ontem e hj tá fresquíssimo), e eu estou... calma. Pelo menos.
Aquele "magro", me aprontou uma falseta ontem... mas tudo bem. Tem volta...
Estou "bright", o tempo está perfeito (choveu bastante ontem e hj tá fresquíssimo), e eu estou... calma. Pelo menos.
Wednesday, July 24, 2002
Tuesday, July 23, 2002
Monday, July 22, 2002
Sunday, July 21, 2002
Thursday, July 18, 2002
Wednesday, July 17, 2002
I'm so fine that I'm gonna post another test results here, just to bother you all:
I'm prayer Madonna, who are you? Madonna Quiz by Turi.
You're sweet, but not naive - though you like to be babied like a child at times. You prefer to have a bad boy by your side, but sometimes have problems understanding why he has to run off to take care of business. You want to settle down, yet deep down inside, you are excited by the surprises life throws your way.
Take the What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz.
I'm prayer Madonna, who are you? Madonna Quiz by Turi.
You're sweet, but not naive - though you like to be babied like a child at times. You prefer to have a bad boy by your side, but sometimes have problems understanding why he has to run off to take care of business. You want to settle down, yet deep down inside, you are excited by the surprises life throws your way.
Take the What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz.
Shy moon
"Shy moon, hiding in the haze
I can see your white face
Hope you can hear my tune shy moon
Why didn't you stop her
Don't you know I suffer
And you'll watch me cry soon, shy moon
Glow through the polution
Find me a solution
I'll wait on the high dune shy moon"
(Caetano Veloso)
That's the funny thing about Caetano and many other composers. I don't like him as a person, but he is a nice writer...
By the way, I am alright today. I feel the sun, and it's fine.
"Shy moon, hiding in the haze
I can see your white face
Hope you can hear my tune shy moon
Why didn't you stop her
Don't you know I suffer
And you'll watch me cry soon, shy moon
Glow through the polution
Find me a solution
I'll wait on the high dune shy moon"
(Caetano Veloso)
That's the funny thing about Caetano and many other composers. I don't like him as a person, but he is a nice writer...
By the way, I am alright today. I feel the sun, and it's fine.
Tuesday, July 16, 2002
Monday, July 15, 2002
Sunday, July 14, 2002
Saturday, July 13, 2002
Que Felino vc é?
Nem coloquei a figura aqui, pq não sei que bicho é esse! (serval). Quem souber, me avisa, tá?
Nem coloquei a figura aqui, pq não sei que bicho é esse! (serval). Quem souber, me avisa, tá?
ontem nem aguentei conectar, tava moooooorrta de cansada. Esgotada, física e emocionalmente... Pra vc ver, não aguentei nem duas 'biers, comecei a ficar sonolenta. Mas hoje tá blz... recebi e-mail do meu Daddy (Sehnsucht, Vater...), arrumei minha casinha, tá um brinco, consegui comprar a roupa da minha afilhada, pro batizado (lindinha!). Meu dia podia estar melhor, mas não depende (só) de mim...
Continuando com a mais nova febre da NUTS aqui (letras de músicas), aí vai uma DA HORA (putz, da hora é quase tão velho qto a música...):
Strangelove - Depeche Mode
There'll be times when my crimes will seem almost unforgivable
I give in to sin because you have to make this life liveable
But when you think I've had enough from your sea of love
I'll take more than another riverfull
And I'll make it all worthwhile, I'll make your heart smile
Strangelove, strange highs and strange lows
Strangelove, that's how my love goes
Strangelove, will you give it to me Will you take the pain I will give to you
Again and again and will you return it There'll be days when I'll stray
I may appear to be constantly out of reach
I give in to sin because I like to practise what I preach
I'm not trying to say I'll have it all my way
I'm always willing to learn when you've got something to teach
And I'll make it all worthwhile I'll make your heart smile
Pain, will you return it, I'll say it again -- pain
Pain, will you return it, I won't say it again I give in again and again
I give in will you give it to meI give in I'll say it again
I give in I give in Again and againI give in that's how my love goes
I give in I'll say it again. I give in...
Continuando com a mais nova febre da NUTS aqui (letras de músicas), aí vai uma DA HORA (putz, da hora é quase tão velho qto a música...):
Strangelove - Depeche Mode
There'll be times when my crimes will seem almost unforgivable
I give in to sin because you have to make this life liveable
But when you think I've had enough from your sea of love
I'll take more than another riverfull
And I'll make it all worthwhile, I'll make your heart smile
Strangelove, strange highs and strange lows
Strangelove, that's how my love goes
Strangelove, will you give it to me Will you take the pain I will give to you
Again and again and will you return it There'll be days when I'll stray
I may appear to be constantly out of reach
I give in to sin because I like to practise what I preach
I'm not trying to say I'll have it all my way
I'm always willing to learn when you've got something to teach
And I'll make it all worthwhile I'll make your heart smile
Pain, will you return it, I'll say it again -- pain
Pain, will you return it, I won't say it again I give in again and again
I give in will you give it to meI give in I'll say it again
I give in I give in Again and againI give in that's how my love goes
I give in I'll say it again. I give in...
Friday, July 12, 2002
Terminaram hoje as minhas aulas de Português para a alemã. Eric (professor de Francês) interceptou a gente na saída e ficou alugando a menina, até q ela foi embora e eu nem vi, nem peguei o e-mail dela. Sacanagem!! Era um ótimo contato em Munique. Ela disse que existe um Curso de Português lá, com professores nativos !! Vai que eu consiga dar aulas na Universidade de lá? Ótimo, né? Mas agora já era...
Thursday, July 11, 2002
the feeling of loneliness again... it hurts.
what's the use of having many friends, if you cannot count on a single one when you need?
"Came in from a rainy Thursday on the avenue
Thought I heard you talking softly
I turned on the lights, the TV and the radio
Still I can escape the ghost of you
what is happening to it all? Crazy , some say,
where is the light that I recognise? / where is my friend when I need you most? (gone away)
But I won't cry for yesterday, there's an ordinary world
somehow I have to find
and if I try to make my way to the ordinary world
I will learn to survive"
(Duran Duran)
what's the use of having many friends, if you cannot count on a single one when you need?
"Came in from a rainy Thursday on the avenue
Thought I heard you talking softly
I turned on the lights, the TV and the radio
Still I can escape the ghost of you
what is happening to it all? Crazy , some say,
where is the light that I recognise? / where is my friend when I need you most? (gone away)
But I won't cry for yesterday, there's an ordinary world
somehow I have to find
and if I try to make my way to the ordinary world
I will learn to survive"
(Duran Duran)
Continuando as reminiscências, aqui vai mais uma , do Londonbeat:
I've Been Thinking About You
We must have been stone crazy
When we thought we were just friends.
´Cause I miss you, baby,
And I´ve got those feelings again.
I guess I´m all confused about you,
Chorus:I feel so in love.Oh, baby, what can I do? I´ve been thinking about you.
I´ve been thinking about youI´ve been thinking about you
I´ve been thinking about you, shi-pow-pow!
Suddenly we´re strangers,
I watch you walking away.
She was my one temptation,
Oh, I did not want her to stay
Deep down, I´m still confused about you
What good is being here without you?
Chorus:repeat and fade
I've Been Thinking About You
We must have been stone crazy
When we thought we were just friends.
´Cause I miss you, baby,
And I´ve got those feelings again.
I guess I´m all confused about you,
Chorus:I feel so in love.Oh, baby, what can I do? I´ve been thinking about you.
I´ve been thinking about youI´ve been thinking about you
I´ve been thinking about you, shi-pow-pow!
Suddenly we´re strangers,
I watch you walking away.
She was my one temptation,
Oh, I did not want her to stay
Deep down, I´m still confused about you
What good is being here without you?
Chorus:repeat and fade
Wednesday, July 10, 2002
É... eu deveria ter ouvido minha mãezinha querida... qdo a gente chega nessa fase, é dose...
Ei, gente!!! Meu humor (aqui do lado) serve também pra vocês postarem algum recado pra mim, sabiam? Então, aproveitem, malhem, critiquem, elogiem também!!! Beijos.
Este sacaninha tem nome, mas é só pra mim...
Ei, gente!!! Meu humor (aqui do lado) serve também pra vocês postarem algum recado pra mim, sabiam? Então, aproveitem, malhem, critiquem, elogiem também!!! Beijos.
Este sacaninha tem nome, mas é só pra mim...
Today I was remembering my past, and this song just got to me as I remebered many good things:
INTO MY LIFE (Colin Hay)
Carpet stained with my red wine
I’ve been staring at the fire
I keep on looking at the time
I’m waiting on you
I can hear the howling wind
Yes, the sound is getting higher
As the night is closing in
I’m waiting for you
Those big black eyes
Wicked smile that you
Flash as you walk through my door
Into my life
Won’t you come in and sit right down
Here, let me pour a Stolichnaya
Why is it when you come around
I’m waiting on you
We drink until we get too tired
Even though we try to dance for me
I still can’t light up your fire
So I’m waiting on you
From time to time I feel so blind
And there’s still so much more left to do
Into my life
You call me on the telephone
You say that I am always busy
So why am I here all alone waiting on you
I pick you on my white car
I could fall over so easily
Why you keep me hanging on?
Waiting on you
Still, those big black eyes
Wicked smile that you
Flash as you walk through my door
Into my life
INTO MY LIFE (Colin Hay)
Carpet stained with my red wine
I’ve been staring at the fire
I keep on looking at the time
I’m waiting on you
I can hear the howling wind
Yes, the sound is getting higher
As the night is closing in
I’m waiting for you
Those big black eyes
Wicked smile that you
Flash as you walk through my door
Into my life
Won’t you come in and sit right down
Here, let me pour a Stolichnaya
Why is it when you come around
I’m waiting on you
We drink until we get too tired
Even though we try to dance for me
I still can’t light up your fire
So I’m waiting on you
From time to time I feel so blind
And there’s still so much more left to do
Into my life
You call me on the telephone
You say that I am always busy
So why am I here all alone waiting on you
I pick you on my white car
I could fall over so easily
Why you keep me hanging on?
Waiting on you
Still, those big black eyes
Wicked smile that you
Flash as you walk through my door
Into my life
Tuesday, July 09, 2002
Monday, July 08, 2002
Sou a lider do grupo , casada com um estrangeiro e gosto de ficar na minha
Que ator de Friends
eu sou ?
OI!!!! Bem vindos de volta!!!
Hoje está um ótimo dia! Já assisti a um filme e à noite vou assistir a outro!! E o dia está fresquíssimo!!
Sunday, July 07, 2002
Nothing Compares 2 U - Sinead O'Connor
Words & Music by Prince
It's been seven hours and fifteen days since u took your love away
I go out every night and sleep all day since u took your love away
Since u been gone I can do whatever I want, I can see whomever I choose
I can eat my dinner if a fancy restaurant, but nothing
I said nothing can take away these blues
'Cos nothing compares, nothing compares 2 U
It's been so lonely without u here, like a bird without a song
Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling, tell me baby where did I go wrong
I could put my arms around every boy I see, but they'd only remind me of you
I went to the doctor guess what he told me, guess what he told me
He said girl u better have fun no matter what u do, but he's a fool
'Cos nothing compares 2 U
All the flowers that u planted mama in the back yard
All died when u went away
I knew that living with u baby was sometimes hard
But I'm willing to give it another try
'Cos nothing compares, nothing compares 2 U
Words & Music by Prince
It's been seven hours and fifteen days since u took your love away
I go out every night and sleep all day since u took your love away
Since u been gone I can do whatever I want, I can see whomever I choose
I can eat my dinner if a fancy restaurant, but nothing
I said nothing can take away these blues
'Cos nothing compares, nothing compares 2 U
It's been so lonely without u here, like a bird without a song
Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling, tell me baby where did I go wrong
I could put my arms around every boy I see, but they'd only remind me of you
I went to the doctor guess what he told me, guess what he told me
He said girl u better have fun no matter what u do, but he's a fool
'Cos nothing compares 2 U
All the flowers that u planted mama in the back yard
All died when u went away
I knew that living with u baby was sometimes hard
But I'm willing to give it another try
'Cos nothing compares, nothing compares 2 U
Friday, July 05, 2002
Wednesday, July 03, 2002
I'm getting sick and tired of some friends of mine, especially one (whose name I won't mention here). He's been an asshole lately. Gosh!, I wish I could kill him!!!
It's been almost a week I don't go to Literature class. Today I came just to listen to the teacher saying the Brazilian players were heroes, like the ones of Greek Olympic Games, and that they should be characters of an Ode, just like the athletes in Greece used to be... And she even said that it's not alienation, because what the majority says is always true. So the peole needed to have fun and this doesn't exclude the worries of life, that people BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH....
NO comments...
It's been almost a week I don't go to Literature class. Today I came just to listen to the teacher saying the Brazilian players were heroes, like the ones of Greek Olympic Games, and that they should be characters of an Ode, just like the athletes in Greece used to be... And she even said that it's not alienation, because what the majority says is always true. So the peole needed to have fun and this doesn't exclude the worries of life, that people BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH....
NO comments...
canal de vestibular
Universaide de Franca
alguns links pro meu site, tou com preguiça de abrir o blogger, então vou colocando aki, depois eu tranfiro... a propósito, já foi lá hoje? Onde? no meu site ora pipocas!!!! Vai lá!!!
Aline's Homepage
Universaide de Franca
alguns links pro meu site, tou com preguiça de abrir o blogger, então vou colocando aki, depois eu tranfiro... a propósito, já foi lá hoje? Onde? no meu site ora pipocas!!!! Vai lá!!!
Aline's Homepage
Tuesday, July 02, 2002
Just to clear up: I'm not anti patriotic, I just don't like nor soccer neither any sport that could generate a competition between countries. I think this is modern war. I'd rather cheer my country, advicing people on how to vote consciously, on asking for their rights, whateve, to make brazilian people "Brasileira" every single day, not just one day in four years.
Cheers, Brazil!!!
Cheers, Brazil!!!
Monday, July 01, 2002
Finally I'm finishing my home page!! Soon I'll be able to send it to everybody. By the way, visit now:
ALINE'S HOME PAGE It's for free!! C'mon, you're not doing anything important, are you?
ALINE'S HOME PAGE It's for free!! C'mon, you're not doing anything important, are you?
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